Most of these errors showed up in the process of converting the programs to video. To my knowledge, what was said verbally in the videos was correct, but sometimes the code shown in the video itself was not, and these cases are noted here. The accompanying book was more likely to have the correct code, but there are some errors in there, also; these are also noted in the below.
The Teaching Company indicated that they were interested in revising the videos to fix some of these errors, so it may be that online videos already are corrected.
The time code lists the time that the error occurs in the online video. It presumably will match that on the DVD version, but there may be synchronization issues meaning that the timing is slightly off.
The time code will be colored based on the following keys:
To jump to the lecture you are interested in, go here:
Enter your name:John
x = (age <= 12)
if age <= 12:
balance = float(input("OK, "+name+". Please enter the cost of the "+item+": "))(Note: this is correct at the 25:24 mark, and in the book.)
numpeople= int(input("How many people are there?"))
'that's it!' # This does not work
days_in_month[1] = 29
print (weekday_temps)
list_of_lists = [ [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3], [7, 8, 9] ]
ccn = input("Type in your credit card number:") expiration = input("Enter the expiration date for your card:")
day = int(input("Enter the day: ")) month = int(input("Enter the month: ")) year = int(input("Enter the year: "))
if len(pattern) != 5:
def earnings(self, interest):
nicknames = {}
countdown (5)
#Report the chain for index in path: print(words[index].getWord())Note that when I say something about looping over the words, I am referring to the “for” statement, and when I talk about calling getWord, that is the last line.