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#Greeting print ("Howdy!") #Invitation print ("Shall we play a game?")
name=input ("Enter your name:") print ("Hello,", name)
print(10) print(37/3) print(10 // 3) print(10 % 3)
x = 3 y = x x = 5 print(x) print(y)
a = -5 b = 3.14 c = 'Hello' d = "Howdy" print(a) print(b) print(c) print(d)
a = 2+5 b = a-4 c = a*b print(a) print(b) print(c)
interest_rate = 0.03 principal = 1000 interest_earned = interest_rate * principal total_amount = principal + interest_earned print(interest_rate) print(principal) print(interest_earned) print(total_amount)
first_name = "John" last_name = "Keyser" full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name print(first_name) print(last_name) print(full_name)
number_of_weeks = 26 number_of_days = number_of_weeks * 7 print(number_of_days)
city_name = "Los Angeles" state_name = "California" zip_code = "90001-5151" address = city_name + ', ' + state_name + ' ' + zip_code print(address)
x = 3 x = x+1 y = 5 y += 1 z = 8 z -= 1 m = 10 n = 10 m *= 2 n /= 2 print(x) print(y) print(z) print(m) print(n)
balance = 1000.00 withdrawal_amount = 20.00 balance = balance - withdrawal_amount # OR balance -= withdrawal_amount
a = "John" b = 3.14159 c = 100 print(a) print(a, b, c) print("Hello", "\n", 'World') print("Hello"+"\n"+'World') print(b+c)
Question3 = input("What is your favorite color? ") print(Question3) b = input() print("You entered", b)
a = input("Enter a value for a:") b = input("Enter a value for b:") print("The sum of a and b is", a+b)
a = "1" b = "3.14159" c = float(a) print(c) d = int(b) print (d)
a = int(input("Enter a value for a:")) b = int(input ("Enter a value for b:")) print("The sum of a and b is", a+b)
name = input("What is your name?") print("Hi,", name) #OR print("Hi, " + name)
radius = float(input("Enter the radius:")) Pi = 3.14159 area = Pi * radius * radius print("The area is:", area) #OR print("The area is: " + str(area))
if False: print("It is cold.") if True: print("The heater is already on.") else: print("Turning the Heater on.") else: print("It is warm enough.")
temp_is_low = False if temp_is_low: print("Turning on the heater.") else: print("Temperature is fine.")
#Assume the variable age is already set age = 11 x = (age <= 12) if x: print("Your meal is free!") else: print("Sorry, you have to pay.")
#Assume the variable age is already set age = 11 if age <= 12: print("Your meal is free!") else: print("Sorry, you have to pay.")
#currentTemp is current temperature currentTemp = 65 #heaterIsOn is True if heater is on, False if not heaterIsOn = False if currentTemp < 68: print("It is cold.") if heaterIsOn: print("The heater is already on.") else: print("Turning the Heater on.") else: print("It is warm enough.")
# Assume the variables currentMiles, lastOil, lastTires are already set currentMiles = 15000 lastOil = 11000 lastTires = 5000 milesSinceOil = currentMiles - lastOil milesSinceTires = currentMiles - lastTires if milesSinceOil >= 3000: print("Time for an oil change.") if milesSinceTires >= 6000: print ("While here, better rotate your tires.") else: print("You should get your car serviced in ", 3000-milesSinceOil, " miles")
a=7 if a>=1: if a<=10: print("It is in range") else: print("It is not in range") else: print("It is not in range")
a=7 if (a>=1) and (a<=10): print("It is in range") else: print("It is not in range")
age = 7 if (age < 3): price = 0.00 else: if (age <= 12): price = 10.00 else: if (age >= 65): price = 15.00 else: price = 25.00 print(price)
age = 7 if (age < 3): price = 0.00 elif (age <= 12): price = 10.00 elif (age >= 65): price = 15.00 else: price = 25.00 print(price)
die1 = 4 die2 = 3 if (die1 + die2) == 2: win = False elif (die1 + die2) == 3: win = False elif (die1 + die2) == 4: point = 4 elif (die1 + die2) == 5: point = 5 elif (die1 + die2) == 6: point = 6 elif (die1 + die2) == 7: win = True elif (die1 + die2) == 8: point = 8 elif (die1 + die2) == 9: point = 9 elif (die1 + die2) == 10: point = 10 elif (die1 + die2) == 11: win = True elif (die1 + die2) == 12: win = False
die1 = 4 die2 = 3 if ((die1 + die2) == 2) or ((die1 + die2) == 3) or ((die1 + die2) == 12): win = False elif ((die1 + die2) == 7) or ((die1 + die2) == 11): win = True else: point = die1 + die2
LDL = 80.0 HDL = 80.0 TRI = 180.0 total = LDL + HDL + (TRI/5.0) if (LDL < 100) and (HDL > 60) and (TRI < 150) and (total < 200): print ("Cholesterol looks great!") elif (LDL > 130) or (HDL < 50) or (TRI > 200) or (total > 240): print ("Warning: Cholesterol looks bad!") else: print ("Borderline cholesterol problems.")
#Get information from user print("I'll help you determine how long you will need to save.") name = input("What's your name? ") item = input("What is it you are saving up for? ") balance = float(input("OK, "+name+". Please enter the cost of the "+item+": ")) if (balance<0): print("Looks like you already saved enough!") balance = 0 payment = 1 else: payment = float(input("Enter how much you will save each period: ")) if (payment <= 0): payment = float(input("Savings must be positive. Please enter a positive value:")) if (payment <=0): print(name+", you still didn't enter a positive number! I am going to just assume you save 1 per period.") payment = 1 #Calculate number of payments that will be needed num_remaining_payments = int(balance/payment) if (num_remaining_payments < balance/payment): num_remaining_payments = num_remaining_payments + 1 #Present information to user print(name+", you must make", num_remaining_payments, "more payments, and then you'll have your "+item+"!")
value = 0 #Get information from user while value <= 0: value = int(input ("Enter a Positive value!")) print("You entered", value)
a = 0 while a < 3: print(a) a = a+1
value = 10 while value > 0: print(value) value -= 1
num_people = int(input("How many people are there? ")) i = 0 total_age = 0.0 while (i < num_people): age = float(input("Enter the age of person " +str(i+1)+ ": ")) total_age = total_age + age i = i+1 average_age = total_age / num_people print("The average age was", average_age)
for i in range(4): print(i) for i in range (0, 7, 1): print (i) for i in range (1, 7, 2): print (i) for i in range (5, 1, -1): print (i)
value = -1 while value <= 0: value = int(input ("Enter a Positive value!")) else: print ("You entered", value)
for i in range(1,11): for j in range(1,11): print(i, 'x', j, '=', i*j) #OR for i in range(10): for j in range(10): print(i+1, 'x', j+1, '=', (i+1)*(j+1))
numpeople = int(input("How many people are there?")) for i in range(1, numpeople+1): for j in range(i+1, numpeople+1): print(i, j)
day_to_skip = 4 hours_worked = 0 target_hours = 10 day = 0 while hours_worked < target_hours: day += 1 target_hours += 8 if day%day_to_skip == 0: continue if day < 10: hours_worked += 6 elif day < 15: hours_worked += 8 else: hours_worked += 14 print(hours_worked)
bad_number = 7 for i in range(1,10,2): if i == bad_number: print("Whoops! We didn't want that number!") break print(i) else: print("We got through all numbers")
n = int(input("Enter a number: ")) print(n) count = 0 while n != 1: count += 1 if n % 2 == 0: n = n/2 else: n = 3*n+1 print(n) print("We reached 1 in", count, "steps.")
infile = open("MyDataFile.txt", "r") outfile = open("results.txt", "w") #Do stuff here infile.close() outfile.close() #OR with open("MyDataFile.txt", "r") as infile: with open("results.txt", "w") as outfile: #Do stuff here
myfile = open("Filename", "w") outputstring = "This line is written to the file." myfile.write(outputstring) myfile.close()
#Assume the variables "volume1" and "volume2" have been computed volume1 = 100.0 volume2 = 10 with open("results.txt", "w") as outfile: outfile.write("The first volume is " + str(volume1) + '\n') outfile.write("The second volume is " + str(volume2) + '\n')
myfile = open("Filename", "r") outfile = open('output.txt', 'w') linefromfile = myfile.readline() secondline = myfile.readline() outfile.write(linefromfile) outfile.write(secondline) outfile.close() myfile.close()
infile = open("important.txt", "r") linefromfile = infile.readline() speed = float(linefromfile) infile.close()
myfile = open("Filename", "r") linefromfile = myfile.readline() while linefromfile != "": #do something linefromfile = myfile.readline() myfile.close() #OR myfile = open("Filename", "r") for linefromfile in myfile: #do something myfile.close()
str1 = '"That\'s horrible," he said' str2 = "\"That's horrible,\" he said" str3 = '\"That\'s horrible,\" he said' print(str1) print(str2) print(str3) str4 = "This shows all \t sorts \t of \t options\n\\for \"escape\' characters" print(str4)
a = """This is a multi-line string that contains three new lines""" b = '''This is another multi-line string but this has just two new lines''' print(a) print(b)
daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] print (daily_high_temps[0]) print (daily_high_temps[4]) i = 1 print (daily_high_temps[i]) daily_high_temps[3] = 100 print(daily_high_temps)
days_in_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] print(days_in_month[0]) print(days_in_month[8]) year = 2020 # use "%" to calculate the remainder from division if (year%4 == 0): days_in_month[1]=29 print(days_in_month)
daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] for i in range(len(daily_high_temps)): print(daily_high_temps[i]) #OR daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] for i in daily_high_temps: print(i) # Changing the value of the iterator does not change the list for i in daily_high_temps: i=0 print(daily_high_temps) for i in range(7): daily_high_temps[i] = 0 print(daily_high_temps)
days_in_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] num_days = 0 for i in range(12): num_days += days_in_month[i] print(num_days) #OR num_days = 0 for i in range(len(days_in_month)): num_days += days_in_month[i] print(num_days) #OR days_in_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] num_days = 0 for i in days_in_month: num_days += i print(num_days) #OR num_days = sum(days_in_month) print(num_days)
list1 = [3.1, 1.2, 5.9] list2 = [3.0, 2.5] list3 = list1 + list2 list1 += list2 list2.append(3.9) print(list1) print(list2) print(list3)
ages=[] age = int(input("Enter an age of a group member. Enter -1 when done")) while (age != -1): ages.append(age) age = int(input("Enter an age of a group member. Enter -1 when done")) print (ages)
daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] print (daily_high_temps[-1]) print (daily_high_temps[-3]) weekday_temps = daily_high_temps[1:6] print (weekday_temps) daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] daily_high_temps[1:6] = [] daily_high_temps[1:1] = [300, 100] print(daily_high_temps) daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] daily_high_temps[1:6] = [] daily_high_temps[1:1] = [300, 100] print(daily_high_temps) daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] daily_high_temps[1:6] = [] daily_high_temps[:0] = [300, 100] print(daily_high_temps) daily_high_temps = [83, 80, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86] daily_high_temps[1:6] = [] daily_high_temps[2:2] = [300, 100] print(daily_high_temps)
days_in_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] days_in_summer = days_in_month[5:8] days_at_beginning = days_in_month[:3] days_at_end = days_in_month[-3:] days_at_extremes1 = days_at_beginning + days_at_end days_at_extremes2 = days_in_month[:] days_at_extremes2[3:6] = [] print(days_in_summer) print(days_at_beginning) print(days_at_end) print(days_at_extremes1) print(days_at_extremes2)
example = "Arthur, King of the Britons" print (example[:6]) print (example[8:12]) print (example[-4:])
teststr = "Testing String Commands" lowstring = teststr.lower() capstring = teststr.capitalize() print(lowstring) print(capstring) list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] list2 = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5] list3 = ['a', "b", 'c', "d", 'e'] print(list1) print(list2) print(list3)
list_of_lists = [ [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3], [7, 8, 9] ] print (list_of_lists[0]) print (list_of_lists[2][0])
credit_card = 'First National Bank Credit Card', 1357246898764321, 'January, 2023' print(credit_card) car_tuple = "Buick", "Century", 2007 make, model, year = car_tuple print(make) print(model) print(year) print(car_tuple[1:])
names = [] #start with empty lists ages = [] name = input("Enter a person's name, or 'stop' to stop:" ) #Get the initial name while (name != 'stop'): #Keep going until "stop" is entered age = int(input("What is the age of "+name+"? ")) #Get the age names.append(name) #Add names and ages to lists ages.append(age) name = input("Enter a person's name, or 'stop' to stop:" ) maxindex = 0 #Start with the first person being oldest for i in range(1,len(ages)): if ages[i] > ages[maxindex]: #See if this person is older, than oldest so far maxindex = i # if so, set that person as the max print("The oldest person is", names[maxindex])
phonenum = "888-345-9876" areacode, prefix, suffix = phonenum.split('-') print ('('+areacode+')'+prefix+'-'+suffix) sentence = "Look, it's a bird! \n Very interesting." words = sentence.split() print (words) greeting = "Howdy!How are you today? I'm great!" lines = greeting.split(' ') for line in lines: print(line)
########## Read in Data ########## #Open File filename = input("Enter the name of the data file: ") infile = open(filename, 'r') #Read lines from File datalist = [] for line in infile: #get data from line date, h, l, r = (line.split(',')) lowtemp = int(l) hightemp = int(h) rainfall = float(r) m, d, y = date.split('/') month = int(m) day = int(d) year = int(y) #Put data into list datalist.append([day, month, year, lowtemp, hightemp, rainfall]) #Close File infile.close() ########## Analyze Data ########## # Get date of interest month = int(input("For the date you care about, enter the month: ")) day = int(input("For the date you care about, enter the day: ")) # Find historical data for date gooddata = [] for singleday in datalist: if (singleday[0] == day) and (singleday[1] == month): gooddata.append([singleday[2], singleday[3], singleday[4], singleday[5]]) # Perform analysis minsofar = 120 maxsofar = -100 numgooddates = 0 sumofmin=0 sumofmax=0 raindays = 0 for singleday in gooddata: numgooddates += 1 sumofmin += singleday[1] sumofmax += singleday[2] if singleday[1] < minsofar: minsofar = singleday[1] if singleday[2] > maxsofar: maxsofar = singleday[2] if singleday[3] > 0: raindays += 1 avglow = sumofmin / numgooddates avghigh = sumofmax / numgooddates rainpercent = raindays / numgooddates * 100 ########## Present Results ########## print("There were",numgooddates,"days") print("The lowest temperature on record was", minsofar) print("The highest temperature on record was", maxsofar) print("The average low has been", avglow) print("The average high has been", avghigh) print("The chance of rain is", rainpercent, "%")
def warn(): print("Warning! Use program at your own risk.") a = 3 print (a) warn() print("Welcome!")
########################### THIS IS OUR WARN FUNcTION ################# def warn(): print("Warning! You are about to enter sensitive information.") ans = input("Do you want to continue? (Y/N)") if (ans == 'n') or (ans == 'N'): quit() ############################ THIS IS OUR "MAIN" CODE ################## warn() name = input("Enter your name:") warn() address = input("Enter your address:") warn() ccn = input("Type in your credit card number:") warn() expiration = input("Enter the expiration date for your card:")
def getClient(): name = input("Enter the client's name:") address = input("Enter the client's address:") clientnames.append(name) clientaddresses.append(address) clientbalances.append(1) return def printInvoice(): print("To: "+clientnames[i]) print("At: "+clientaddresses[i]) print(clientnames[i]+", you owe a total of "+str(clientbalances[i])) print("Please pay your bill right away.") clientnames = [] clientaddresses = [] clientbalances = [] have_client = True while (have_client): getClient() response = input("Is there another client (y/n)?") if response == 'n': have_client = False #More stuff here for i in range(len(clientnames)): #Generate invoice if clientbalances[i] > 0: printInvoice()
def getName(): first = input("Enter your first name:") last = input("Enter your last name:") return last + ', ' + first name = getName() def getGuess(): number = input("What number do you guess? ") return number guess = getGuess() print(name) print(guess)
def getName(): first = input("Enter your first name:") last = input("Enter your last name:") return first, last name = getName() userfirst, userlast = getName() print(name) print(userlast) print(userfirst) exampletuple = ("John", "Marwood", "Cleese") first, middle, last= exampletuple print(first) print(exampletuple[2])
def getBirthday(): month = input("Enter your birth month: ") day = input("Enter your birth day: ") year = input("Enter your birth year: ") return month, day, year bday = getBirthday() m, d, y = getBirthday() print(bday) print(m) print(d) print(y)
def getSum(x): sum = 0 for i in range(x+1): sum += i return sum total = getSum(100) print(total)
def factorial(n): product = 1 for i in range(1,n+1): product = product * i return product print(factorial(20))
def getSum(x): return x * (x+1) / 2 def getRangeSum(a, b): return getSum(b) - getSum(a) print ("The sum from 1 to 100 is:", getRangeSum(1, 100)) print ("The sum from 20 to 60 is:", getRangeSum(20, 60))
def sumList(mylist): for i in range(1, len(mylist)): mylist[i] += mylist[i-1] return mylist[len(mylist)-1] testlist = [5, 3, 2, 1, 4] print(sumList(testlist)) print(testlist)
def greet(name): """Print a greeting. Prints text "Hello," for parameter .""" print("Hello, "+name) help(greet)
def countChar(ch, teststring): count = 0; for i in range(len(teststring)): if teststring[i] == ch: count += 1 return count print(countChar('e', "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."))
def maxdemo(val1, val2): if (val1 > val2): return val1 else: return val2 a = 1 b = 2 c = maxdemo(a,b) print(c)
def testscore(numcorrect, total): numcorrect += 5 temp_value = numcorrect / total return (temp_value * 100) a = 12 b = 20 c = testscore(a,b) print(c)
a = 10 def testscore(numcorrect, total): numcorrect += a; temp_value = numcorrect / total return (temp_value * 100) a = 12 b = 20 c = testscore(a,b) print(c)
def initialize(): global fuellevel fuellevel = 100.0 fuellevel = 0 initialize() print(fuellevel)
def adder(val1, val2): val1 += val2 num1 = 3 num2 = 4 adder(num1, num2) print (num1) num1 = 3.1 num2 = 4.1 adder(num1, num2) print(num1) num1 = "Hi" num2 = "There" adder(num1, num2) print(num1) num1 = [1, 2] num2 = [3, 4] adder(num1, num2) print(num1)
def DoSomething(in1, in2): in1 += [7] in2 = [8] a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] DoSomething(a, b) print (a) print (b)
def calc_miles(gallons, mpg=20.0): return gallons*mpg print( calc_miles(10.0, 15.0) ) print( calc_miles(10.0) )
def madlib(animal="Dinosaur", adjective="Green", city="Chicago", food="Spaghetti" ): return "You'll never believe what I saw in " + city + ". It was a " + adjective + " " + animal + "! And, it was eating "+food+"!" print( madlib() ) print( madlib("kangaroo") ) print( madlib("parrot", "dead") ) print( madlib("dog", "happy", "New York") ) print( madlib("platypus", "tired", "Dallas", "pizza") ) print( madlib(food = "pizza") ) print( madlib("cat", food = "steak", city = "Denver") )
########## Read in Data ########## #Open File filename = input("Enter the name of the data file: ") infile = open(filename, 'r') #Read lines from File datalist = [] for line in infile: #get data from line date, h, l, r = (line.split(',')) lowtemp = int(l) hightemp = int(h) rainfall = float(r) m, d, y = date.split('/') month = int(m) day = int(d) year = int(y) #Put data into list datalist.append([day, month, year, lowtemp, hightemp, rainfall]) #Close File infile.close() ########## Analyze Data ########## # Get date of interest month = int(input("For the date you care about, enter the month: ")) day = int(input("For the date you care about, enter the day: ")) # Find historical data for date gooddata = [] for singleday in datalist: if (singleday[0] == month) and (singleday[1] == day): gooddata.append([singleday[2], singleday[3], singleday[4], singleday[5]]) # Perform analysis minsofar = 120 maxsofar = -100 numgooddates = 0 sumofmin=0 sumofmax=0 raindays = 0 for singleday in gooddata: numgooddates += 1 sumofmin += singleday[1] sumofmax += singleday[2] if singleday[1] < minsofar: minsofar = singleday[1] if singleday[2] > maxsofar: maxsofar = singleday[2] if singleday[3] > 0: raindays += 1 avglow = sumofmin / numgooddates avghigh = sumofmax / numgooddates rainpercent = raindays / numgooddates * 100 ########## Present Results ########## print("There were",numgooddates,"days") print("The lowest temperature on record was", minsofar) print("The highest temperature on record was", maxsofar) print("The average low has been", avglow) print("The average high has been", avghigh) print("The chance of rain is", rainpercent, "%") exit(0)
filename = input("Henter name of file:") try: myfile = open(filename, 'r') except OSError: print("That file could not be opeend. Using default file.") myfile = open("Default.txt", "r")
def computeDivision(first, second): try: division = first/second except TypeError: print("You didn't enter two floating point numbers!") except ZeroDivisionError: print("Don't give a zero for the second number!") except: print("There was some other exception.") else: print("Great - no exceptions were raised!") finally: print("The function is ending") return division
def computeDate(month, day, year): try: if (month <= 0) or (month > 12): raise TypeError except TypeError: print("Invalid Date: Please reenter:") day = int(input("Enter the day: ")) month = int(input("Enter the month: ")) year = int(input("Enter the year: ")) def find_pattern(pattern, sequence): if len(pattern) != 5: #expected pattern of length 5 raise TypeError
import math print(math.sin(math.pi/2)) import webbrowser"") import turtle turtle.forward(100) import shutil shutil.copy("File1.txt", "File2.txt")
a = 5 #while(True): # st = input("Type something: ") # print("You typed:", st) def SumOfSquares(n): sum = 0 for i in range(1,n+1): sum += i*i return sum def SumOfCubes(n): sum = 0 for i in range(1,n+1): sum += i*i*i return sum
import math print(math.cos(math.pi / 4.0)) from math import * print(cos(pi / 4.0)) import webbrowser"") import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday((calendar.SUNDAY)) print(calendar.month(2020, 1)) import time print(time.ctime()) import statistics a = [3, 10, 23, 5, 14, 83, 7, 1] print(statistics.median(a)) import shutil shutil.copy("temperature.dat", "weather.txt")
import math print(math.cos(math.pi / 4.0)) from math import * print(cos(pi / 4.0)) import webbrowser"") import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday((calendar.SUNDAY)) print(calendar.month(2020, 1)) import time print(time.ctime()) import statistics a = [3, 10, 23, 5, 14, 83, 7, 1] print(statistics.median(a)) import shutil shutil.copy("temperature.dat", "weather.txt")
import os dirname = input("Enter the directory: ") os.chdir(dirname) dirlist = os.listdir() lead = input("what label do you want for the pictures? ") picture_number = 1 for filename in dirlist: if filename.endswith('.jpg'): newname = lead+str(picture_number)+".jpg" os.rename(filename,newname) picture_number += 1
import random while (True): secretnum = random.randint(1,100) numguesses = 0 guessed = False while not guessed: guess = int(input("Enter a guess from 1 to 100: ")) numguesses += 1 if guess == secretnum: print("You guessed it! It took you", numguesses, "tries!") guessed = True elif guess < secretnum: print("Too low! Try again.") else: print("Too high! Try again.")
from random import choice def InitializeGrid(board): #Initialize Grid by reading in from file for i in range(8): for j in range(8): board[i][j] = choice(['Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U']) def Initialize(board): #Initialize game #Initialize grid InitializeGrid(board) #Initialize score global score score = 0 #Initialize turn number global turn turn = 1 def ContinueGame(current_score, goal_score = 100): #Return false if game should end, true if game is not over if (current_score >= goal_score): return False else: return True def DrawBoard(board): #Display the board to the screen #Draw some blank lines first print("\n\n\n") print(" ---------------------------------") #Now draw rows from 8 down to 1 for i in range(7,-1,-1): #Draw each row linetodraw= str(i+1) for j in range(8): linetodraw += " | " + board[i][j] linetodraw+= " |" print(linetodraw) print(" ---------------------------------") print(" a b c d e f g h") global score print("Current Sore: ", score) def IsValid(move): #Returns true if the move is valid, false otherwise #Check length of move if len(move) != 3: return False #Check that the space and direction are valid if not (move[0] in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']): return False if not (move[1] in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']): return False if not (move[2] in ['u', 'd', 'l', 'r']): return False #Check that the direction is valid for the given row/column #check that first column moves are not left if (move[0] == 'a') and (move[2] == 'l'): return False #check that last column moves are not right if (move[0] == 'h') and (move[2] == 'r'): return False #check that bottom row moves are not down if (move[1] == '1') and (move[2] == 'd'): return False #check that top row moves are not up if (move[1] == '8') and (move[2] == 'u'): return False #no problems, so the move is valid! return True def GetMove(): #Get the move from the user #Print instructions print("Enter a move by specifying the space and the direction (u,d,l,r). Spaces should list column then row).") print("For exmaple, e3u would swap position e3 with the one above, and f7r would swap f7 to the right.") #Get Move move = input("Enter move: ") #Loop until we get good move while not IsValid(move): move = input("That's not a valid move! Enter another move:") return move def ConvertLetterToCol(Col): if Col == 'a': return 0 elif Col == 'b': return 1 elif Col == 'c': return 2 elif Col == 'd': return 3 elif Col == 'e': return 4 elif Col == 'f': return 5 elif Col == 'g': return 6 elif Col == 'h': return 7 else: #not a valid column! return -1 def SwapPieces(board, move): #Swap pieces on board according to move #Get original position origrow = int(move[1])-1 origcol = ConvertLetterToCol(move[0]) #Get adjacent position if move[2] == 'u': newrow = origrow + 1 newcol = origcol elif move[2] == 'd': newrow = origrow - 1 newcol = origcol elif move[2] == 'l': newrow = origrow newcol = origcol - 1 elif move[2] == 'r': newrow = origrow newcol = origcol + 1 #Swap objects in two positions temp = board[origrow][origcol] board[origrow][origcol] = board[newrow][newcol] board[newrow][newcol] = temp def RemovePieces(board): #Remove 3-in-a-row and 3-in-a-column pieces #Create board to store remove-or-not remove = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] #Go through rows for i in range(8): for j in range(6): if (board[i][j] == board[i][j+1]) and (board[i][j] == board[i][j+2]): #three in a row are the same! remove[i][j] = 1; remove[i][j+1] = 1; remove[i][j+2] = 1; #Go through columns for j in range(8): for i in range(6): if (board[i][j] == board[i+1][j]) and (board[i][j] == board[i+2][j]): #three in a row are the same! remove[i][j] = 1; remove[i+1][j] = 1; remove[i+2][j] = 1; #Eliminate those marked global score removed_any = False for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if remove[i][j] == 1: board[i][j] = 0 score += 1 removed_any = True return removed_any def DropPieces(board): #Drop pieces to fill in blanks for j in range(8): #make list of pieces in the column listofpieces = [] for i in range(8): if board[i][j] != 0: listofpieces.append(board[i][j]) #copy that list into colulmn for i in range(len(listofpieces)) : board[i][j] = listofpieces[i] #fill in remainder of column with 0s for i in range(len(listofpieces), 8): board[i][j] = 0 def FillBlanks(board): #Fill blanks with random pieces for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if (board[i][j] == 0): board[i][j] = choice(['Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U']) def Update(board, move): #Update the board according to move SwapPieces(board, move) pieces_eliminated = True while pieces_eliminated: pieces_eliminated = RemovePieces(board) DropPieces(board) FillBlanks(board) def DoRound(board): #Perform one round of the game #Display current board DrawBoard(board) #Get move move = GetMove() #Update board Update(board, move) #Update turn number global turn turn += 1 #State main variables score = 100 turn = 100 goalscore = 100 board = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] #Initialize game Initialize(board) #While game not over while ContinueGame(score, goalscore): #Do a round of the game DoRound(board)
from turtle import forward, left for i in range(1,100): forward(2*i) left(90) input()
from turtle import forward, backward, left, right, penup, pendown def drawSquare(): forward(100) left(90) forward(100) left(90) forward(100) left(90) forward(100) left(90) drawSquare() drawSquare() input()
from turtle import forward, backward, left, right, penup, pendown def drawRectangle(length = 100, height = 100): forward(length) left(90) forward(height) left(90) forward(length) left(90) forward(height) left(90) def drawTriangle(size=100): forward(size) left(120) forward(size) left(120) forward(size) left(120) def drawSquare(size=100): forward(size) left(90) forward(size) left(90) forward(size) left(90) forward(size) left(90) def drawHouse(size = 100): #draw base drawSquare(size) #reposition turtle left(90) forward(size) right(90) #draw top drawTriangle(size) #move back to start right(90) forward(size) left(90) drawHouse(80) input()
from turtle import forward, backward, left, right, penup, pendown, pos, goto def shiftRight(): penup() forward(5) pendown() def drawTally(): left(90) forward(20) backward(20) right(90) shiftRight() def drawSlash(): #move up left(90) penup() forward(3) pendown() # draw slash startposition = pos() goto(startposition[0] - 25, startposition[1] + 14) # Note: alternative would have been left(61) then forward( (28.7) # return to starting position penup() goto(startposition) # Note: alternative would have been backward(28.7) then right(61) backward(3) right(90) pendown() #shift over shiftRight() shiftRight() def drawFive(): drawTally() drawTally() drawTally() drawTally() drawSlash() def drawTallies(n): while(n>=5): drawFive() n = n - 5 while(n>=1): drawTally() n = n - 1 num_to_draw = int(input("Enter a number:")) drawTallies(num_to_draw) input()
from turtle import * import random xmax = 250 xmin = -250 ymax = 250 ymin = -250 proximity = 10 def sensor(): if xmax - position()[0] < proximity: #Too close to right wall return True if position()[0] - xmin < proximity: #Too clsoe to left wall return True if ymax - position()[1] < proximity: #Too close to top wall return True if position()[1] - ymin < proximity: #Too clsoe to bottom wall return True #Not too close to any return False def straightline(): '''Move in a random direction until sensor is triggered''' #Pick a random direction left(random.randrange(0,360)) #Keep going forward until a wall is hit while not sensor(): forward(1) def spiral(gap = 20): '''Spiral with spacing gap''' #Determine starting radius of spiral based on the gap current_radius = gap while not sensor(): #Determine how much of the circumference 1 unit is circumference = 2 * 3.14159*current_radius fraction = 1/circumference #Move as if in a circle of that radius left(fraction*360) forward(1) #Change radius so that we will be out by 2*proximity after 360 degrees current_radius += gap*fraction def backupspiral(backup = 100, gap = 20): '''First move backward by amount backup, then in a spiral with spacing gap''' #first back up by backup amount while not sensor() and backup > 0: backward(1) backup -= 1 #Now spiral out spiral(gap) def followwall(amount = 500): '''Move turtle parallel to nearest wall for amount distance''' #find nearest wall and turn parallel to it min = xmax - position()[0] setheading(90) if position()[0] - xmin < min: min = position()[0] - xmin setheading(270) if ymax - position()[1] < min: min = ymax - position()[1] setheading(180) if position()[1] - ymin < min: setheading(0) #Keep going until hitting another wall while not sensor() and amount > 0: forward (1) amount -= 1 #Keep going until hitting another wall while not sensor(): forward (1) speed(0) #Start with a spriral spiral(40) while (True): #First back up so no longer colliding backward(1) #Pick one of the three behaviors at random which_function = random.choice(['a', 'b', 'c']) if which_function == 'a': straightline() if which_function == 'b': backupspiral(random.randrange(100,200), random.randrange(10,50)) if which_function == 'c': followwall(random.randrange(100,500))
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(width=400, height=300, caption="TestWindow") label1 = pyglet.text.Label('Howdy', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 250) label2 = pyglet.text.Label('World', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=300, y = 50) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() label1.draw() label2.draw()
import pyglet from pyglet.window import key window = pyglet.window.Window(width=400, height=300, caption="TestWindow") label = pyglet.text.Label('Nothing pressed so far', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 150) @window.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): if symbol == key.A: key_pressed = "a" elif symbol == key.RETURN: key_pressed = "return" elif symbol == key.LEFT: key_pressed = "left arrow" else: key_pressed = 'unknown' global label label = pyglet.text.Label('You pressed the '+key_pressed+' key!', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 150) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() label.draw()
import pyglet from pyglet.window import key window = pyglet.window.Window(width=400, height=300, caption="TestWindow") label = pyglet.text.Label('Nothing pressed so far', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 150) @window.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): if symbol == key.A: key_pressed = "a" elif symbol == key.RETURN: key_pressed = "return" elif symbol == key.LEFT: key_pressed = "left arrow" else: key_pressed = 'unknown' global label label = pyglet.text.Label('You pressed the '+key_pressed+' key!', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 150) @window.event def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers): global label label = pyglet.text.Label('Mouse click at position ('+str(x)+', '+str(y)+')', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 150) @window.event def on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers): global label label = pyglet.text.Label('Mouse released at position ('+str(x)+', '+str(y)+')', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=25, y = 150) @window.event def on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, button, modifiers): global label label = pyglet.text.Label('Mouse is dragging at position ('+str(x)+', '+str(y)+')', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=0, y = 150) @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): global label label = pyglet.text.Label('Mouse is at position ('+str(x)+', '+str(y)+')', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=18, x=50, y = 150) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() label.draw()
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(width=400, height = 500, caption="GameWindow") Im1 = pyglet.image.load('BlueTri.jpg') @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() Im1.blit(50, 50)
from random import choice import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(width=400, height = 450, caption="GameWindow") Im1 = pyglet.image.load('BlueTri.jpg') Im2 = pyglet.image.load('PurpleStar.jpg') Im3 = pyglet.image.load('OrangeDiamond.jpg') Im4 = pyglet.image.load('YellowCircle.jpg') Im5 = pyglet.image.load('RedHex.jpg') def InitializeGrid(board): #Initialize Grid by reading in from file for i in range(8): for j in range(8): board[i][j] = choice(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) def Initialize(board): #Initialize game #Initialize grid InitializeGrid(board) #Initialize score global score score = 0 #Initialize turn number global turn turn = 1 #Set up graphical info def ContinueGame(current_score, goal_score = 100): #Return false if game should end, true if game is not over if (current_score >= goal_score): return False else: return True def SwapPieces(board, move): #Swap objects in two positions temp = board[move[0]][move[1]] board[move[0]][move[1]] = board[move[2]][move[3]] board[move[2]][move[3]] = temp def RemovePieces(board): #Remove 3-in-a-row and 3-in-a-column pieces #Create board to store remove-or-not remove = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] #Go through rows for i in range(8): for j in range(6): if (board[i][j] == board[i][j+1]) and (board[i][j] == board[i][j+2]): #three in a row are the same! remove[i][j] = 1; remove[i][j+1] = 1; remove[i][j+2] = 1; #Go through columns for j in range(8): for i in range(6): if (board[i][j] == board[i+1][j]) and (board[i][j] == board[i+2][j]): #three in a row are the same! remove[i][j] = 1; remove[i+1][j] = 1; remove[i+2][j] = 1; #Eliminate those marked global score removed_any = False for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if remove[i][j] == 1: board[i][j] = 0 score += 1 removed_any = True return removed_any def DropPieces(board): #Drop pieces to fill in blanks for j in range(8): #make list of pieces in the column listofpieces = [] for i in range(8): if board[i][j] != 0: listofpieces.append(board[i][j]) #copy that list into colulmn for i in range(len(listofpieces)) : board[i][j] = listofpieces[i] #fill in remainder of column with 0s for i in range(len(listofpieces), 8): board[i][j] = 0 def FillBlanks(board): #Fill blanks with random pieces for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if (board[i][j] == 0): board[i][j] = choice(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) def Update(board, move): #Update the board according to move SwapPieces(board, move) pieces_eliminated = True while pieces_eliminated: pieces_eliminated = RemovePieces(board) DropPieces(board) FillBlanks(board) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() for i in range(7,-1,-1): #Draw each row y = 50+50*i for j in range(8): #draw each piece, first getting position x = 50*j if board[i][j] == 'A': Im1.blit(x,y) elif board[i][j] == 'B': Im2.blit(x,y) elif board[i][j] == 'C': Im3.blit(x,y) elif board[i][j] == 'D': Im4.blit(x,y) elif board[i][j] == 'E': Im5.blit(x,y) label = pyglet.text.Label('Turn: '+str(turn)+' Score: '+str(score), font_name='Arial', font_size=18, x=20, y = 10) label.draw() @window.event def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers): #Get the starting cell global startx global starty startx = x starty = y @window.event def on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers): #Get starting and ending cell and see if they are adjacent startcol = startx//50 startrow = (starty-50)//50 endcol = x//50 endrow = (y-50)//50 #Check whether ending is adjacent to starting and if so, make move. if ((startcol==endcol and startrow==endrow - 1) or (startcol==endcol and startrow==endrow+1) or (startrow==endrow and startcol==endcol-1) or (startrow==endrow and startcol==endcol+1)): Update(board,[startrow,startcol,endrow,endcol]) global turn turn += 1 #See if game is over if not ContinueGame(score): print("You won in", turn, "turns!") exit() #State main variables score = 100 turn = 100 goalscore = 100 board = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] #Initialize game Initialize(board)
import tkinter class Application(tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.increase_button = tkinter.Button(self) self.increase_button["text"] = "Increase" self.increase_button["command"] = self.increase_value self.increase_button.pack(side="right") self.increase_button = tkinter.Button(self) self.increase_button["text"] = "Decrease" self.increase_button["command"] = self.decrease_value self.increase_button.pack(side="left") def increase_value(self): global mainval mainval *= 2 print (mainval) def decrease_value(self): global mainval mainval /= 2 print (mainval) mainval = 1.0 root = tkinter.Tk() app = Application(master=root) app.mainloop()
from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.plot([0,1,2,3,4,5], [0,1,4,9,16,25]) pyplot.axis([0,5,0,25]) exit(0)
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, axis, show xlist = range(0,6) ylist = [] for i in xlist: ylist.append(i*i) plot(xlist, ylist) axis([0,5,0,25]) show()
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, axis, show, legend xlist = range(0,6) ylist = [] for i in xlist: ylist.append(i*i) plot(xlist, ylist, label="squares", marker='+', color = "red", markeredgecolor="blue") axis([0,5,0,25]) legend() show()
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, axis, show, legend xlist = range(0,6) ylist = [] ylist2 = [] for i in xlist: ylist.append(i*i) ylist2.append(i*i*i) plot(xlist, ylist, label="squares", marker='+', color = "red", markeredgecolor="blue") plot(xlist, ylist2, label="cubes", marker = "o", color ="green", markeredgecolor = "green") axis([0,5,0,125]) legend() show()
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, show fig, mainplot = subplots() plot2 = mainplot.twinx() plot3 = mainplot.twinx() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) plot3.spines["right"].set_position(("axes", 1.15)) p1, = mainplot.plot([2000, 2004, 2006, 2010], [350, 550, 900, 700], "b", label="Fish") p2, = plot2.plot([2000, 2009], [12, 17], "r", label="Bears") p3, = plot3.plot([2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010], [11, 13, 15, 18, 24, 29], "g", label="Eagles") mainplot.set_xlim(2000, 2010) mainplot.set_ylim(300, 1000) plot2.set_ylim(0, 20) plot3.set_ylim(0, 30) mainplot.set_xlabel("Year") mainplot.set_ylabel("Fish") plot2.set_ylabel("Bears") plot3.set_ylabel("Eagles") mainplot.yaxis.label.set_color("b") plot2.yaxis.label.set_color("r") plot3.yaxis.label.set_color("g") mainplot.tick_params(axis='y', colors = "b") plot2.tick_params(axis='y', colors = "r") plot3.tick_params(axis='y', colors = "g") lines = [p1, p2, p3] mainplot.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines]) show()
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, axis, show, legend mortgage_amount = float(input("How much is the mortgage for?")) interest_rate = float(input("What is the interest rate (as a percentage)?"))/100 payment = float(input("How much are you paying per month?")) max_months = 1200 # don't figure for more than 10 years month = 0 month_list = [0] mortgage_list = [mortgage_amount] principal_paid_list = [0] interest_paid_list = [0] while (mortgage_amount > 0.0) and (month < max_months): month += 1 month_list.append(month) #determine new interest interest = mortgage_amount *(interest_rate/12) interest_paid_list.append(interest+interest_paid_list[month-1]) #determine pricipal paid and remaining principal = payment - interest mortgage_amount -= principal mortgage_list.append(mortgage_amount) principal_paid_list.append(principal+principal_paid_list[month-1]) plot(month_list, mortgage_list, label="Remaining Mortgage", color = "red") plot(month_list, principal_paid_list, label="Principal Paid", color = "blue") plot(month_list, interest_paid_list, label="Interest Paid", color = "green") axis([0,month,0,max(interest_paid_list[month], mortgage_list[0])]) legend() show()
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, show #Set initial conditions time = 0 balance = 1000 #Set list to store data timelist=[time] balancelist=[balance] while (time < 100): #Increase balance and time balance += balance*0.03 time += 1 #Store time and balance in lists timelist.append(time) balancelist.append(balance) #Output the simulation results for i in range(len(timelist)): print("Year:", timelist[i], " Balance:", balancelist[i]) plot(timelist, balancelist) show()
import random from matplotlib.pyplot import hist, show def ChangeInBalance(initial_balance): rate = random.uniform(0.0, 0.06) return initial_balance*rate number_years = 10 number_sims = 10000 final_balances = [] for i in range(number_sims): #Set initial conditions time = 0 balance = 1000 while (time < number_years): #Increase balance and time balance += ChangeInBalance(balance) time += 1 final_balances.append(balance) #Output the simulation results hist(final_balances, bins=20) show()
import random import statistics from matplotlib.pyplot import hist, show historical_stock_returns = [.1348, .3215, .1589, .0210, .1482, .2594, -.3655, .0548, .1561, .0483, .1074, .2836, -.2197, -.1185, -.0903, .2089, .2834, .3310, .2268, .3720, .0133, .0997, .0749, .3023, -.0306, .3148, .1654, .0581, .1849, .3124, .0615, .2234, .2042, -.0470, .3174, .1852, .0651, -.0698, .2383, .3700, -.2590, -.1431, .1876, .1422, .0356, -.0824, .1081, .2380, -.0997, .1240, .1642, .2261, -.0881, .2664, .0034, .1206, .4372, -.1046, .0744, .3260, .5256, -.0121, .1815, .2368, .3081, .1830, .0570, .0520, -.0843] historical_bond_performance = [-.0202, .0422, .0784, .0654, .0593, .0524, .0697, .0433, .0243, .0434, .0410, .1026, .0843, .1163 -.0082, .0870, .0964, .0364, .1846, -.0292, .0975, .0740, .1600, .0896, .1453, .0789, .0275, .1530, .2213, .1515, .0819, .3265, .0626, .271] historical_bond_yields = [.0485, .051, .0494, .0566, .0604, .0729, .0744, .0648, .0648, .0606, .0639, .0676, .078, .0795, .0837, .0788, .0722, .0787, .0805, .082, .0863, .0793, .0898, .098, .1036, .1018, .1083, .1053, .1039, .1272, .1419, .135, .1611, .1604, .1367, .1069, .0949, .0897, .0975] historical_treasury_rates = [.0254, .0235, .018, .0278, .0322, .0326, .0366, .0463, .048, .0429, .0427, .0401, .0461, .0502, .0603, .0565, .0526, .0635, .0644, .0657, .0709, .0587, .0701, .0786, .0855, .0849, .0885, .0839, .0767, .1062, .1246, .111, .1301, .1392, .1143, .0943, .0841, .0742, .0761, .0799, .0756, .0685, .0621, .0616, .0735, .0667, .0564, .0507, .0493, .0428, .0419, .0400, .0395] historical_inflation = [.0, .016, .015, .021, .032, .016, -.004, .038, .028, .032, .034, .027, .023, .016, .028, .034, .022, .016, .023, .030, .028, .026, .030, .030, .042, .054, .048, .041, .036, .019, .036, .043, .032, .062, .103, .135, .113, .076, .065, .058, .091, .110, .062, .032, .044, .057, .055, .042, .031, .029, .016, .013, .013, .010, .010, .017, .007, .028, .033, .015, -.004, .007, .008, .019, .079, .013, -.012, .081, .144, .083] def ChangeInBalanceStocks(initial_balance): rate = random.choice(historical_stock_returns) return initial_balance*rate def ChangeInBalanceBonds(initial_balance): rate = random.choice(historical_bond_performance) return initial_balance*rate def YearData(): ''' Returns a rate of change for stocks, bonds, and inflation in a single tuple''' year = random.randrange(33) return (historical_stock_returns[year], historical_bond_performance[year]) number_years = 10 number_sims = 10000 final_balances_stocks = [] final_balances_bonds = [] final_balances_mixed = [] final_balances_mixed_norebalance = [] for i in range(number_sims): #Set initial conditions time = 0 balance_stocks = 1000 balance_bonds = 1000 balance_mixed_stocks = 500 balance_mixed_bonds = 500 balance_mixed_stocks_norebalance = 500 balance_mixed_bonds_norebalance = 500 while (time < number_years): #Increase balance and time stock_perform, bond_perform = YearData() balance_stocks *= (1.0+stock_perform) balance_bonds *= (1.0+bond_perform) balance_mixed_stocks *= (1.0+stock_perform) balance_mixed_bonds *= (1.0+bond_perform) balance_mixed_stocks_norebalance *= (1.0+stock_perform) balance_mixed_bonds_norebalance *= (1.0+bond_perform) #Rebalance account balance_mixed = balance_mixed_stocks + balance_mixed_bonds target_stocks = balance_mixed * 0.5 amount_to_move = balance_mixed_stocks - target_stocks balance_mixed_stocks -= amount_to_move balance_mixed_bonds += amount_to_move time += 1 final_balances_stocks.append(balance_stocks) final_balances_bonds.append(balance_bonds) final_balances_mixed.append(balance_mixed) final_balances_mixed_norebalance.append(balance_mixed_stocks_norebalance + balance_mixed_bonds_norebalance) final_balance_average = statistics.mean(final_balances_stocks) final_balance_average = statistics.mean(final_balances_stocks) final_balance_standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(final_balances_stocks) print("The average final balance for a stock account was", final_balance_average) print("The standard deviation in the final balance for a stock account was", final_balance_standard_deviation) final_balance_average = statistics.mean(final_balances_bonds) final_balance_standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(final_balances_bonds) print("The average final balance for a bond account was", final_balance_average) print("The standard deviation in the final balance for a bond account was", final_balance_standard_deviation) final_balance_average = statistics.mean(final_balances_mixed) final_balance_standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(final_balances_mixed) print("The average final balance for a 50-50 mixed account with rebalancing was", final_balance_average) print("The standard deviation in the final balance for a 50-50 mixed account with rebalancing was", final_balance_standard_deviation) final_balance_average = statistics.mean(final_balances_mixed_norebalance) final_balance_standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(final_balances_mixed_norebalance) print("The average final balance for a 50-50 mixed account with NO Rebalancing was", final_balance_average) print("The standard deviation in the final balance for a 50-50 mixed account with NO Rebalancing was", final_balance_standard_deviation) #Output the simulation results hist([final_balances_stocks, final_balances_bonds, final_balances_mixed, final_balances_mixed_norebalance], bins=40) #hist(final_balances_bonds, bins=20) show()
import random import statistics from matplotlib.pyplot import hist, show historical_stock_returns = [.1348, .3215, .1589, .0210, .1482, .2594, -.3655, .0548, .1561, .0483, .1074, .2836, -.2197, -.1185, -.0903, .2089, .2834, .3310, .2268, .3720, .0133, .0997, .0749, .3023, -.0306, .3148, .1654, .0581, .1849, .3124, .0615, .2234, .2042, -.0470, .3174, .1852, .0651, -.0698, .2383, .3700, -.2590, -.1431, .1876, .1422, .0356, -.0824, .1081, .2380, -.0997, .1240, .1642, .2261, -.0881, .2664, .0034, .1206, .4372, -.1046, .0744, .3260, .5256, -.0121, .1815, .2368, .3081, .1830, .0570, .0520, -.0843] historical_bond_performance = [-.0202, .0422, .0784, .0654, .0593, .0524, .0697, .0433, .0243, .0434, .0410, .1026, .0843, .1163 -.0082, .0870, .0964, .0364, .1846, -.0292, .0975, .0740, .1600, .0896, .1453, .0789, .0275, .1530, .2213, .1515, .0819, .3265, .0626, .271] historical_inflation = [.0, .016, .015, .021, .032, .016, -.004, .038, .028, .032, .034, .027, .023, .016, .028, .034, .022, .016, .023, .030, .028, .026, .030, .030, .042, .054, .048, .041, .036, .019, .036, .043, .032, .062, .103, .135, .113, .076, .065, .058, .091, .110, .062, .032, .044, .057, .055, .042, .031, .029, .016, .013, .013, .010, .010, .017, .007, .028, .033, .015, -.004, .007, .008, .019, .079, .013, -.012, .081, .144, .083] def ChangeInBalanceStocks(initial_balance): rate = random.choice(historical_stock_returns) return initial_balance*rate def ChangeInBalanceBonds(initial_balance): rate = random.choice(historical_bond_performance) return initial_balance*rate def Inflation(): return random.choice(historical_inflation) def YearData(): ''' Returns a rate of change for stocks, bonds, and inflation in a single tuple''' year = random.randrange(30) return (historical_stock_returns[year], historical_bond_performance[year], historical_inflation[year]) #Get information from user initial_balance = float(input("What is your retirement account balance? ")) initial_expenses = float(input("What are your yearly expenses? ")) time_to_last = int(input("How many years does this need to last? ")) number_sims = 10000 final_balances = [] ran_out = 0 #Will count how many times the money ran out stock_percentage = 0.5 for i in range(number_sims): #Set initial conditions time = 0 balance_stocks = initial_balance * stock_percentage balance_bonds = initial_balance * (1.0-stock_percentage) expenses = initial_expenses while (time < time_to_last): time += 1 #Increase balance and time stock_perform, bond_perform, inflation = YearData() balance_stocks *= (1.0+stock_perform) balance_bonds *= (1.0+bond_perform) #Rebalance account balance_mixed = balance_stocks + balance_bonds target_stocks = balance_mixed * stock_percentage amount_to_move = balance_stocks - target_stocks balance_stocks -= amount_to_move balance_bonds += amount_to_move #Remove this year's expenses, which increase by inflation expenses *= (1.0+inflation) balance_stocks -= expenses * stock_percentage balance_bonds -= expenses * (1.0-stock_percentage) if (balance_stocks < 0): #We ran out of money! Increase ran_out count and set time to time_to_last to stop loop ran_out += 1 time = time_to_last if (balance_stocks > 0): #The money lasted - save the final balance information final_balances.append(balance_stocks+balance_bonds) percent_successful = (number_sims - ran_out)/number_sims * 100 final_balance_average = statistics.mean(final_balances) final_balance_standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(final_balances) print("The money lasted", percent_successful, "percent of the time") print("The average final balance when the money lasted was", final_balance_average) print("The standard deviation in the final balance when the money lasted was", final_balance_standard_deviation) #Output the simulation results hist(final_balances, bins=20) show()
class BankAccount: balance = 0.0 my_account = BankAccount() your_account = BankAccount() my_account.balance = 100.0 print(your_account.balance)
class BankAccount: balance = 0.0 deposits = [] checking_account = BankAccount() savings_account = BankAccount() checking_account.deposits.append(100.0) print(savings_account.deposits)
class BankAccount: balance = 0.0 def __init__(self): self.deposits = [] checking_account = BankAccount() savings_account = BankAccount() checking_account.deposits.append(100.0) print(savings_account.deposits)
class BankAccount: def __init__(self, initial_amount=0.0): self.balance = initial_amount self.deposits = [] checking_account = BankAccount(200.00) savings_account = BankAccount() print(checking_account.balance) print(savings_account.balance)
class BankAccount: def __init__(self, initial_amount=0.0): self.balance = initial_amount self.deposits = [] def makeDeposit(self, amount): self.balance += amount self.deposits.append(amount) def makeWithdrawal(self, amount): self.balance -= amount checking_account = BankAccount(100.00) checking_account.makeDeposit(50.00) checking_account.makeWithdrawal(70.00) print(checking_account.balance) print(checking_account.deposits)
class BankAccount: def __init__(self, initial_amount=0.0): self._balance = initial_amount self._deposits = [] def makeDeposit(self, amount): self._balance += amount self._deposits.append(amount) def makeWithdrawal(self, amount): self._balance -= amount def getBalance(self): return self._balance def getDeposits(self): return self._deposits checking_account = BankAccount(100.00) checking_account.makeDeposit(50.00) print(checking_account.getBalance()) print(checking_account.getDeposits())
from datetime import date class BankAccount: def __init__(self, amt=0.0): self._balance = amt self._deposits = [] self.opendate = date(2011, 3, 15) checking_account = BankAccount(100.0) print(checking_account.opendate)
class BankAccount: def __init__(self, amt=0.0): self._balance = amt self._deposits = [] def makeDeposit(self, amt): self._balance += amt self._deposits.append(amt) def makeWithdrawal(self, amt): self._balance -= amt def getBalance(self): return self._balance def getDeposits(self): copied_list = self._deposits[:] return copied_list def winLottery(account): account.makeDeposit(10000000.00) checking_account = BankAccount() winLottery(checking_account) print(checking_account.getBalance()) checking_account = BankAccount(100.00) checking_account.makeDeposit(50.0) x = checking_account.getDeposits() x.append(500.0) print(checking_account.getBalance()) print(checking_account.getDeposits()) savings_account = BankAccount() checking_account.makeDeposit(50.00) checking_account.makeWithdrawal(75.00) print(savings_account.getBalance()) print(savings_account.getDeposits())
class BankAccount: def __init__(self, amt=0.0): self._balance = amt self._deposits = [] def makeDeposit(self, amt): self._balance += amt self._deposits.append(amt) def makeWithdrawal(self, amt): self._balance -= amt def getBalance(self): return self._balance def getDeposits(self): copied_list = self._deposits[:] return copied_list checking_account = BankAccount(100.00) = "My Checking Account" print( savings_account = BankAccount(1000.00) print(
class Gift: def __init__(self, giver="", recipient = "", gift = "", occasion = "", date = "", value = 0): self._giver= giver self._recipient = recipient self._gift = gift self._occasion = occasion self._date = date self._value = value def setGiver(self, giver): self._giver = giver def getGiver(self): return self._giver def setRecipient(self, recipient): self._recipient = recipient def getRecipient(self): return self._recipient my_birthday_gift = Gift("Mom", "me", "shirt", "birthday", "2015", 25.00) my_birthday_gift.setGiver("Sister") print(my_birthday_gift.getRecipient())
class Gift: giver = "" recipient = "" gift = "" occasion = "" date = "" value = 0 my_birthday_gift = Gift() my_birthday_gift.giver = "Mom" my_birthday_gift.recipient = "Me" = "shirt" my_birthday_gift.occasion = "birthday" = "2015" my_birthday_gift.value = 25.00 my_birthday_gift.giver = "sister" print(my_birthday_gift.recipient)
class FootballPlayer: name = "John Doe" team = "None" years_in_league = 0 def printPlayer(self): print(" playing for the "":") def printGood(self): if (self.isGood()): print(" is a GOOD player") else: print(" is NOT a good player") class Quarterback(FootballPlayer): pass_attempts = 0 completions = 0 pass_yards = 0 def completionRate(self): return self.completions/self.pass_attempts def yardsPerAttempt(self): return self.pass_yards/self.pass_attempts def isGood(self): return (self.yardsPerAttempt() > 7) class RunningBack(FootballPlayer): rushes = 0 rush_yards = 0 def yardsPerRush(self): return self.rush_yards/self.rushes def isGood(self): return (self.yardsPerRush() > 4) player1 = Quarterback() = "John" = "Cowboys" player1.pass_attempts = 10 player1.completions = 6 player1.pass_yards = 57 player2 = RunningBack() = "Joe" = "Eagles" player2.rushes = 12 player2.rush_yards = 73 playerlist = [] playerlist.append(player1) playerlist.append(player2) for player in playerlist: player.printPlayer() player.printGood()
class FootballPlayer: name = "John Doe" team = "None" years_in_league = 0 def printPlayer(self): print(" playing for the "":") def printGood(self): if (self.isGood()): print(" is a GOOD player") else: print(" is NOT a good player") class Quarterback(FootballPlayer): pass_attempts = 0 completions = 0 pass_yards = 0 def completionRate(self): return self.completions/self.pass_attempts def yardsPerAttempt(self): return self.pass_yards/self.pass_attempts # def isGood(self): # return (self.yardsPerAttempt() > 7) class RunningBack(FootballPlayer): rushes = 0 rush_yards = 0 def yardsPerRush(self): return self.rush_yards/self.rushes def isGood(self): return (self.yardsPerRush() > 4) player1 = Quarterback() = "John" = "Cowboys" player1.pass_attempts = 10 player1.completions = 6 player1.pass_yards = 57 player2 = RunningBack() = "Joe" = "Eagles" player2.rushes = 12 player2.rush_yards = 73 playerlist = [] playerlist.append(player1) playerlist.append(player2) for player in playerlist: player.printPlayer() if player.isGood(): print (" is a GOOD player.") else: print (" is NOT a good player.")
class MissingChildMethodError(Exception): pass class FootballPlayer: name = "John Doe" team = "None" years_in_league = 0 def printPlayer(self): print(" playing for the "":") def isGood(self): raise MissingChildMethodError("Error! isGood is not defined!") player1 = FootballPlayer() = "John" = "Cowboys" try: if player1.isGood(): print(" is a GOOD player") else: print(" is NOT a good player.") except MissingChildMethodError: print("Whoops - we forgot to define isGood!")
import json length = 20.0 width = 15 outfile = open("datafile1.dat", "w") json_string = json.dumps(length) outfile.write(json_string+'\n') json_string = json.dumps(width) outfile.write(json_string+'\n') json_string = json.dumps("Data for an example") outfile.write(json_string+'\n') outfile.close()
import json infile = open("datafile1.dat", "r") json_string = infile.readline() l = json.loads(json_string) json_string = infile.readline() w = json.loads(json_string) json_string = infile.readline() description = json.loads(json_string) infile.close() print(description) print(l*w)
import json class FootballPlayer: name = "John Doe" team = "None" years_in_league = 0 def printPlayer(self): print(" playing for the "":") def printGood(self): if (self.isGood()): print(" is a GOOD player") else: print(" is NOT a good player") class Quarterback(FootballPlayer): pass_attempts = 0 completions = 0 pass_yards = 0 def completionRate(self): return self.completions/self.pass_attempts def yardsPerAttempt(self): return self.pass_yards/self.pass_attempts class RunningBack(FootballPlayer): rushes = 0 rush_yards = 0 def yardsPerRush(self): return self.rush_yards/self.rushes def isGood(self): return (self.yardsPerRush() > 4) player1 = Quarterback() = "John" = "Cowboys" player1.pass_attempts = 10 player1.completions = 6 player1.pass_yards = 57 player2 = RunningBack() = "Joe" = "Eagles" player2.rushes = 12 player2.rush_yards = 73 playerlist = [] playerlist.append(player1) playerlist.append(player2) outfile = open("datafile.dat", "w") for player in playerlist: json_string = json.dumps(player.__dict__)+'\n' outfile.write(json_string) outfile.close()
import pickle account = 134218954 balance = 1783.45 owner = "John Smith" outfile = open("BankAccount.dat", "wb") pickle.dump(account, outfile) pickle.dump(owner, outfile) pickle.dump(balance, outfile) outfile.close()
import pickle infile = open("BankAccount.dat", "rb") account = pickle.load(infile) owner = pickle.load(infile) balance = pickle.load(infile) print(account, owner, balance) infile.close()
import pickle class FootballPlayer: name = "John Doe" team = "None" years_in_league = 0 def printPlayer(self): print(" playing for the "":") def printGood(self): if (self.isGood()): print(" is a GOOD player") else: print(" is NOT a good player") class Quarterback(FootballPlayer): pass_attempts = 0 completions = 0 pass_yards = 0 def completionRate(self): return self.completions/self.pass_attempts def yardsPerAttempt(self): return self.pass_yards/self.pass_attempts class RunningBack(FootballPlayer): rushes = 0 rush_yards = 0 def yardsPerRush(self): return self.rush_yards/self.rushes def isGood(self): return (self.yardsPerRush() > 4) player1 = Quarterback() = "John" = "Cowboys" player1.pass_attempts = 10 player1.completions = 6 player1.pass_yards = 57 player2 = RunningBack() = "Joe" = "Eagles" player2.rushes = 12 player2.rush_yards = 73 playerlist = [] playerlist.append(player1) playerlist.append(player2) outfile = open("datafile2.dat", "wb") pickle.dump(player1, outfile) pickle.dump(player2, outfile) outfile.close()
import pickle class FootballPlayer: name = "John Doe" team = "None" years_in_league = 0 def printPlayer(self): print(" playing for the "":") def printGood(self): if (self.isGood()): print(" is a GOOD player") else: print(" is NOT a good player") class Quarterback(FootballPlayer): pass_attempts = 0 completions = 0 pass_yards = 0 def completionRate(self): return self.completions/self.pass_attempts def yardsPerAttempt(self): return self.pass_yards/self.pass_attempts def isGood(self): return self.yardsPerAttempt() > 7 class RunningBack(FootballPlayer): rushes = 0 rush_yards = 0 def yardsPerRush(self): return self.rush_yards/self.rushes def isGood(self): return (self.yardsPerRush() > 4) infile=open("datafile2.dat", "rb") newplayer1 = pickle.load(infile) newplayer2 = pickle.load(infile) infile.close() newplayer1.printPlayer() if newplayer1.isGood(): print (" is a GOOD player.") else: print (" is NOT a good player.") newplayer2.printPlayer() if newplayer2.isGood(): print (" is a GOOD player.") else: print (" is NOT a good player.")
class Book: title = "" author = "" long_book = Book() long_book.title = "War and Peace" = "Tolstoy" medium_book = Book() medium_book.title = "Book of Armaments" = "Maynard" short_book = Book() short_book.title = "Vegetables I Like" = "John Keyser" book_stack = [] book_stack.append(medium_book) book_stack.append(short_book) book_stack.append(long_book) next_book = book_stack.pop() print(next_book.title+" by "
class Stack: _stack = [] def push(self, item): self._stack.append(item) def pop (self): return self._stack.pop() waste_pile = Stack() #Setting up solitaire game here while not(noTurnsLeft()): #Get the player's move if move=="Draw": #Get next three cards and push them onto waste stack next_card1 = draw_next_card() next_card2 = draw_next_card() next_card3 = draw_next_card() waste_pile.push(next_card1) waste_pile.push(next_card2) waste_pile.push(next_card3) elif move=="PlayfromWaste": #Player wants to play the top card from the waste pile current_card = waste_pile.pop() #Have player play current_card
class Book: title = "" author = "" long_book = Book() long_book.title = "War and Peace" = "Tolstoy" medium_book = Book() medium_book.title = "Book of Armaments" = "Maynard" short_book = Book() short_book.title = "Vegetables I Like" = "John Keyser" book_queue = [] book_queue.append(medium_book) book_queue.append(short_book) book_queue.append(long_book) next_book = book_queue.pop(0) print(next_book.title+" by "
from random import randint class Queue: _queue = [] def enqueue(self, item): self._queue.append(item) def dequeue(self): return self._queue.pop(0) def isEmpty(self): return (len(self._queue) == 0) class Order: def __init__(self, customer = "", amt=0): self._customer = customer self._amount = amt def customer(self): return self._customer def numOrdered(self): return self._amount orders = Queue() for ordernum in range(20): amount = randint(1,200) customer = "Customer "+str(ordernum) neworder = Order(customer,amount) orders.enqueue(neworder) inventory = 1000 while not orders.isEmpty(): order = orders.dequeue() if order.numOrdered() < inventory: # We can fill the order print("Fill order for",order.numOrdered(),"shrubberies for customer",order.customer()) inventory -= order.numOrdered() else: print("Notify",order.customer(),"that we cannot fulfill the order") exit()
nicknames = {"Superstar" : "Sue Smith", "CowboysFan" : "Bill Brown", "JJwins" : "John James"} print(nicknames["CowboysFan"])
nicknames = {} nicknames["Superstar"] = "Sue Smith" nicknames["CowboysFan"] = "Bill Brown" nicknames["JJwins"] = "John James" del nicknames["Superstar"] print("CowboysFan" in nicknames) print("SuperStar" in nicknames)
nicknames = {} nicknames["Superstar"] = "Sue Smith" nicknames["CowboysFan"] = "Bill Brown" nicknames["JJwins"] = "John James" for nickname in nicknames: print("The nickname for "+nicknames[nickname]+" is "+nickname)
passwords = {"John" : "123456", "Sue" : "PaSsWoRd", "Bill" : "G9.Kf-21.-fe8ilfb" } failed_attempts = 0 verified = False while (not verified): username = input("What is your username? ") password = input("What is your password? ") if (username in passwords) and (passwords[username] == password): print ("Welcome!") verified = True else: print ("Invalid username/password combination") failed_attempts += 1 if failed_attempts > 2: print("Too many incorrect attempts. Goodbye") exit()
neighborhood_friends = set(['John', 'Sue', 'Bill']) work_friends = {'Sue', 'Eric', 'Fred'} print(neighborhood_friends - work_friends) print(neighborhood_friends | work_friends) print(neighborhood_friends & work_friends) print(neighborhood_friends ^ work_friends)
class recipe: name='' ingredients = [] def __init__(self, name, ingredients): = name self.ingredients = ingredients dish1 = recipe("Omlette", ['Eggs', 'Tomatoes', 'Onions', 'Peppers']) dish2 = recipe("Bread", ['Flour', 'Yeast']) dish3 = recipe("Cake", ['Eggs', 'Flour', 'Sugar', 'Butter']) dishes_to_fix = [dish1, dish2, dish3] shopping_list = set() for dish in dishes_to_fix: ingredients = set(dish.ingredients) shopping_list = shopping_list | ingredients ingredients_on_hand = {'Onions', 'Butter', 'Milk', 'Honey', 'Oatmeal', 'Sugar', 'Tomatoes'} shopping_list -= ingredients_on_hand print("Here is the set of items you need to buy:") print(shopping_list)
def isIn(L, v): i = 0 while (i < len(L)): if L[i] == v: return True else: i += 1 return False favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] print(isIn(favorite_foods, 'gumbo')) print(isIn(favorite_foods, 'coconut')) print ('gumbo' in favorite_foods) print ('coconut' in favorite_foods)
def binaryIn(L, v): if len(L) < 1: return False low = 0 high = len(L)-1 if L[low] == v or L[high] == v: return True while low < (high-1): midpoint = low + (high-low) // 2 if L[midpoint] == v: return True elif L[midpoint] < v: low = midpoint else: high = midpoint return False favorite_foods = ['barbeque', 'chicken and dumplings', 'gumbo', 'ice cream', 'pecan pie', 'pizza'] print(binaryIn(favorite_foods, 'gumbo')) print(binaryIn(favorite_foods, 'coconut'))
def binaryIn(L, v): if len(L) < 1: return False low = 0 high = len(L)-1 if L[low] == v: return low if L[high] == v: return high while low < (high-1): midpoint = low + (high-low) // 2 if L[midpoint] == v: return midpoint elif L[midpoint] < v: low = midpoint else: high = midpoint return -1 favorite_foods = ['barbeque', 'chicken and dumplings', 'gumbo', 'ice cream', 'pecan pie', 'pizza'] print(binaryIn(favorite_foods, 'gumbo')) print(binaryIn(favorite_foods, 'coconut'))
def selectionSort(L): maxindex = len(L) - 1 for i in range(0,maxindex+1): #find the smallest remaining min_index = i for j in range(i+1,maxindex+1): if L[j] < L[min_index]: min_index = j #swap that item temp = L[i] L[i] = L[min_index] L[min_index] = temp favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] selectionSort(favorite_foods) print(favorite_foods)
def insertionSort(L): for i in range(0,len(L)): temp = L[i] j = i-1 while (j >= 0) and (L[j] > temp): L[j+1] = L[j] j -= 1 L[j+1] = temp favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] insertionSort(favorite_foods) print(favorite_foods)
favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] favorite_foods.sort() print(favorite_foods)
favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] sorted_favorites = sorted(favorite_foods, reverse = True) print(favorite_foods) print(sorted_favorites)
def countdown(n): print (n) if n > 0: countdown(n-1) countdown (5)
def merge(L, L1, L2): i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 while (j < len(L1)) or (k < len(L2)): if j < len(L1): if k < len(L2): # we are not at the end of L1 or L2, so pull the smaller value if L1[j] < L2[k]: L[i] = L1[j] j += 1 else: L[i] = L2[k] k += 1 else: # we are at the end of L2, so just pull from L1 L[i] = L1[j] j += 1 else: # we are at the end of L1, so just pull from L2 L[i] = L2[k] k += 1 i += 1 return def mergeSort(L): n = len(L) if n <= 1: return L1 = L[:n//2] L2 = L[n//2:] mergeSort(L1) mergeSort(L2) merge(L, L1, L2) return favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] mergeSort(favorite_foods) print(favorite_foods)
def quickSort(L): #handle base case if len(L) <= 1: return #pick pivot pivot = L[0] #form lists less/greater than pivot L1 = [] L2 = [] for element in L[1:]: if element < pivot: L1.append(element) else: L2.append(element) #sort sublists quickSort(L1) quickSort(L2) #join the sublists and pivot L[:] = [] for element in L1: L.append(element) L.append(pivot) for element in L2: L.append(element) return favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'barbeque', 'gumbo', 'chicken and dumplings', 'pecan pie', 'ice cream'] quickSort(favorite_foods) print(favorite_foods)
def Fib2(n): F = [0,1] for i in range(2,n+1): #compute F[i] F.append(F[-2] + F[-1]) return F[n] def Fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1) print(Fib2(100))
class node: def __init__(self, name, population=0): self._name = name self._pop = population def getName(self): return self._name def getPopulation(self): return self._pop class edge: def __init__(self, name1, name2, weight=0): self._city1 = name1 self._city2 = name2 self._distance = weight def getName1(self): return self._city1 def getName2(self): return self._city2 def getNames(self): return (self._city1, self._city2) def getWeight(self): return self._distance cities = [] roads = [] city = node('Rivertown', 100) cities.append(city) city = node('Brookside', 1500) cities.append(city) city = node('Hillsview', 500) cities.append(city) city = node('Forrest City', 800) cities.append(city) city = node('Lakeside', 1100) cities.append(city) road = edge('Rivertown', 'Brookside', 100) roads.append(road) road = edge('Rivertown', 'Hillsview', 50) roads.append(road) road = edge('Hillsview', 'Brookside', 130) roads.append(road) road = edge('Hillsview', 'Forrest City', 40) roads.append(road) road = edge('Forrest City', 'Lakeside', 80) roads.append(road) road = roads[0] pop1 = 0 pop2 = 0 for city in cities: if city.getName() == road.getName1(): pop1 = city.getPopulation() if city.getName() == road.getName2(): pop2 = city.getPopulation() total_population = pop1 + pop2 print(total_population)
class node: def __init__(self, name, population=0): self._name = name self._pop = population def getName(self): return self._name def getPopulation(self): return self._pop class edge: def __init__(self, index1, index2, weight=0): self._city1 = index1 self._city2 = index2 self._distance = weight def getIndex1(self): return self._city1 def getIndex2(self): return self._city2 def getIndices(self): return (self._city1, self._city2) def getWeight(self): return self._distance cities = [] roads = [] city = node('Rivertown', 1000) cities.append(city) city = node('Brookside', 1500) cities.append(city) city = node('Hillsview', 500) cities.append(city) city = node('Forrest City', 800) cities.append(city) city = node('Lakeside', 1100) cities.append(city) road = edge(0, 1, 100) roads.append(road) road = edge(0, 2, 50) roads.append(road) road = edge(2, 1, 130) roads.append(road) road = edge(2, 3, 40) roads.append(road) road = edge(3, 4, 80) roads.append(road) road = roads[0] pop1 = cities[road.getIndex1()].getPopulation() pop2 = cities[road.getIndex2()].getPopulation() total_population = pop1 + pop2 print(total_population)
class node: def __init__(self, name, population=0): self._name = name self._pop = population self._roads = [] def getName(self): return self._name def getPopulation(self): return self._pop def getRoads(self): return self._roads def addNeighborRoad(self, e): self._roads.append(e) def addNeighbor(self, city, weight=0): e = edge(city, weight) self._roads.append(e) class edge: def __init__(self, city, weight=0): self._city = city self._weight = weight def getCity(self): return self._city def getWeight(self): return self._weight def addRoad(name1, name2, weight=0): e1 = edge(name2, weight) e2 = edge(name1, weight) for city in cities: if city.getName() == name1: city.addNeighborRoad(e1) if city.getName() == name2: city.addNeighborRoad(e2) def addRoad2(name1, name2, weight=0): for city in cities: if city.getName() == name1: city.addNeighbor(name2, weight) if city.getName() == name2: city.addNeighbor(name1, weight) cities = [] city = node('Rivertown', 1000) cities.append(city) city = node('Brookside', 1500) cities.append(city) city = node('Hillsview', 500) cities.append(city) city = node('Forrest City', 800) cities.append(city) city = node('Lakeside', 1100) cities.append(city) addRoad('Rivertown', 'Brookside', 100) addRoad('Rivertown', 'Hillsview', 50) addRoad('Brookside', 'Hillsview', 130) addRoad('Hillsview', 'Forrest City', 40) addRoad('Forrest City', 'Lakeside', 80) for city in cities: print('Neighbors of '+city.getName()) roads = city.getRoads() for road in roads: print(' ', road.getCity(), 'at a distance', road.getWeight())
class node: def __init__(self, name, population=0): self._name = name self._pop = population def getName(self): return self._name def getPopulation(self): return self._pop class EdgeMatrix: def __init__(self, nodelist): self._matrix = [] self._names = [] for i in range(len(nodelist)): #store list of node names self._names.append(nodelist[i].getName()) #initialize all elements of matrix to -1 self._matrix.append([]) for j in range(len(nodelist)): self._matrix[i].append(-1) def addRoad(self, city1, city2, length=0): i = self._names.index(city1) j = self._names.index(city2) self._matrix[i][j] = length self._matrix[j][i] = length def length(self, i, j): return self._matrix[i][j] def numConnected(self, city_name): i = self._names.index(city_name) count = 0; for j in range(len(self._names)): if self._matrix[i][j] != -1: count += 1 return count cities = [] city = node('Rivertown', 1000) cities.append(city) city = node('Brookside', 1500) cities.append(city) city = node('Hillsview', 500) cities.append(city) city = node('Forrest City', 800) cities.append(city) city = node('Lakeside', 1100) cities.append(city) roads = EdgeMatrix(cities) roads.addRoad('Rivertown', 'Brookside', 100) roads.addRoad('Rivertown', 'Hillsview', 50) roads.addRoad('Brookside', 'Hillsview', 130) roads.addRoad('Hillsview', 'Forrest City', 40) roads.addRoad('Forrest City', 'Lakeside', 80) print("Hillsview has", roads.numConnected('Hillsview'), "neighbors")
class Currency: def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._rates = [] def getName(self): return self._name def getRates(self): return self._rates def addRateEdge(self, e): self._rates.append(e) def addRate(self, currency, weight=0): e = edge(currency, weight) self._rates.append(e) def findRates(self, maincurrency, current_value, depth): if self._name == maincurrency: #We are back at the main currency - see if the value > 1 if current_value > 1.0: #We found a way to make money! print("We found a way! ") print(current_value, self._name) return True if depth > 3: #Base case for recursion: too many exchanges return False for rate in self._rates: conversion = current_value * rate.getExchange() for c in currencies: if c.getName() == rate.getCurrency(): if c.findRates(maincurrency, conversion, depth+1): print("from", current_value, self._name) return True return False def findArbitrage(self): for rate in self._rates: for c in currencies: if c.getName() == rate.getCurrency(): if c.findRates(self._name, rate.getExchange(), 1): return True return False class Edge: def __init__(self, currency, rate = 0): self._currency = currency self._exchange = rate def getCurrency(self): return self._currency def getExchange(self): return self._exchange def setExchange(self, exchange): self._exchange = exchange def addExchange(name1, name2, exchange1): e1 = Edge(name2, exchange1) e2 =Edge(name1, 1.0/exchange1) for currency in currencies: if currency.getName() == name1: currency.addRateEdge(e1) if currency.getName() == name2: currency.addRateEdge(e2) def addExchange2(name1, name2, weight=0): for currency in currencies: if currency.getName() == name1: currency.addNeighbor(name2, exchange1) if currency.getName() == name2: currency.addNeighbor(name1, 1.0/exchange1) currencies = [] currency = Currency("Dollar") currencies.append(currency) currency = Currency("Pound") currencies.append(currency) currency = Currency("Euro") currencies.append(currency) currency = Currency("Yen") currencies.append(currency) addExchange("Dollar", "Pound", 0.7) addExchange("Dollar", "Euro", 0.95) addExchange("Yen", "Dollar", 0.0085) addExchange("Euro", "Pound", 0.75) addExchange("Pound", "Yen", 175.0) addExchange("Euro", "Yen", 233.3) currencies[0].findArbitrage()
class node: def __init__(self, name, parent=-1): self._name = name self._parent = parent self._children = [] def getName(self): return self._name def getParent(self): return self._parent def getChildren(self): return self._children def setParent(self, p): self._parent = p def addChild(self, c): self._children.append(c)
class node: def __init__(self, name, parent=-1): self._name = name self._parent = parent self._left = -1 self._right = -1 def getName(self): return self._name def getParent(self): return self._parent def getLeft(self): return self._left def getRight(self): return self._right def setParent(self, p): self._parent = p def setLeft(self, l): self._left = l def setRight(self, r): self._right = r
class node: def __init__(self, value, parent=-1): self._val = value self._parent = parent self._left = -1 self._right = -1 def getValue(self): return self._val def getParent(self): return self._parent def getLeft(self): return self._left def getRight(self): return self._right def setParent(self, p): self._parent = p def setLeft(self, l): self._left = l def setRight(self, r): self._right = r def insert(self, insert_node): if nodelist[insert_node].getValue() < self._val: if self._left == -1: self._left = insert_node else: nodelist[self._left].insert(insert_node) else: if self._right == -1: self._right = insert_node else: nodelist[self._right].insert(insert_node) def printInOrder(self): if self._left != -1: nodelist[self._left].printInOrder() print(self._val) if self._right != -1: nodelist[self._right].printInOrder() nodelist = [] n = node(15) nodelist.append(n) n = node(18) nodelist.append(n) n = node(8) nodelist.append(n) n = node(13) nodelist.append(n) n = node(23) nodelist.append(n) n = node(27) nodelist.append(n) n = node(3) nodelist.append(n) n = node(21) nodelist.append(n) n = node(11) nodelist.append(n) n = node(7) nodelist.append(n) root = 0 for i in range(1,9): nodelist[root].insert(i) nodelist[root].printInOrder()
class node: def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._friends = [] self._status = 0 self._discoveredby = 0 def getName(self): return self._name def getFriends(self): return self._friends def addFriend(self, friend_index): self._friends.append(friend_index) def isUnseen(self): if self._status == 0: return True else: return False def isSeen(self): if self._status == 1: return True else: return False def setUnseen(self): self._status = 0 def setSeen(self): self._status = 1 def discover(self, n): self._discoveredby = n def discovered(self): return self._discoveredby def makeFriends(name1, name2): for i in range(len(people)): if people[i].getName() == name1: n1 = i if people[i].getName() == name2: n2 = i people[n1].addFriend(n2) people[n2].addFriend(n1) class queue: def __init__(self): self._queue = [] def enqueue(self, x): self._queue.append(x) def dequeue(self): return self._queue.pop(0) def isEmpty(self): return len(self._queue) == 0 def retrievePath(nodelist, start, goal): # Return the path from start to goal if start == goal: path = [] path.append(start) return path else: previous = nodelist[goal].discovered() previous_path = retrievePath(nodelist, start, previous) previous_path.append(goal) return previous_path def BFS(nodelist, start, goal): to_visit = queue() nodelist[start].setSeen() to_visit.enqueue(start) found = False while (not found) and (not to_visit.isEmpty()): current = to_visit.dequeue() neighbors = nodelist[current].getFriends() for neighbor in neighbors: if nodelist[neighbor].isUnseen(): nodelist[neighbor].setSeen() nodelist[neighbor].discover(current) if neighbor == goal: found = True else: to_visit.enqueue(neighbor) return retrievePath(nodelist, start, goal) people = [] person = node('John') people.append(person) person = node('Joe') people.append(person) person = node('Sue') people.append(person) person = node('Fred') people.append(person) person = node('Kathy') people.append(person) makeFriends('John', 'Joe') makeFriends('John', 'Sue') makeFriends('Joe', 'Sue') makeFriends('Sue', 'Fred') makeFriends('Fred', 'Kathy') pathlist = BFS(people, 0, 4) for index in pathlist: print(people[index].getName())
class node: def __init__(self, word): self._word = word self._neighbors = [] self._status = 0 self._discoveredby = 0 def getWord(self): return self._word def getNeighbors(self): return self._neighbors def addNeighbor(self, neighbor_index): self._neighbors.append(neighbor_index) def isUnseen(self): if self._status == 0: return True else: return False def isSeen(self): if self._status == 1: return True else: return False def setUnseen(self): self._status = 0 def setSeen(self): self._status = 1 def discover(self, n): self._discoveredby = n def discovered(self): return self._discoveredby def addWordLink(wordlist, word1, word2): for i in range(len(wordlist)): if wordlist[i].getWord() == word1: n1 = i if wordlist[i].getWord() == word2: n2 = i wordlist[n1].addNeighbor(n2) wordlist[n2].addNeighbor(n1) def addLink(wordlist, index1, index2): wordlist[index1].addNeighbor(index2) wordlist[index2].addNeighbor(index1) class queue: def __init__(self): self._queue = [] def enqueue(self, x): self._queue.append(x) def dequeue(self): return self._queue.pop(0) def isEmpty(self): return len(self._queue) == 0 def retrievePath(nodelist, start, goal): # Return the path from start to goal if start == goal: path = [] path.append(start) return path else: previous = nodelist[goal].discovered() previous_path = retrievePath(nodelist, start, previous) previous_path.append(goal) return previous_path def BFS(nodelist, start, goal): to_visit = queue() nodelist[start].setSeen() to_visit.enqueue(start) found = False while (not found) and (not to_visit.isEmpty()): current = to_visit.dequeue() neighbors = nodelist[current].getNeighbors() for neighbor in neighbors: if nodelist[neighbor].isUnseen(): nodelist[neighbor].setSeen() nodelist[neighbor].discover(current) if neighbor == goal: found = True else: to_visit.enqueue(neighbor) if found: return retrievePath(nodelist, start, goal) else: return [] def compareWords(word1, word2): if len(word1) != len(word2): return False numdifferent = 0 for i in range(len(word1)): if word1[i] != word2[i]: numdifferent += 1 if numdifferent == 1: return True else: return False #Read in the words from a dictionary words = [] dict = open("dictionary4letter.txt", 'r') for line in dict: word = node(line.strip()) words.append(word) for i in range(len(words)): for j in range(i+1,len(words)): #compare word i and word j if compareWords(words[i].getWord(), words[j].getWord()): addLink(words, i, j) #Get starting and ending word word1 = input("What is the starting word? ") word2 = input("What is the ending word? ") index1 = -1 index2 = -1 for i in range(len(words)): if words[i].getWord() == word1: index1 = i if words[i].getWord() == word2: index2 = i if index1 == -1: print(word1,"was not in the dictionary. Exiting.") exit(0) if index2 == -1: print(word2,"was not in the dictionary. Exiting") exit(0) #Find a chain of words path = BFS(words, index1, index2) #Report the chain if path == []: print("There was no chain between those words, in my dictionary.") else: for index in path: print(words[index].getWord())
from multiprocessing import Process def print_function(name): print("Hello,", name) if __name__ == '__main__': p = Process(target=print_function, args=("John",)) p.start()
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue def print_process(number): print("Printing from process", number) if __name__ == '__main__': process_list = [] process_list = [] for i in range(20): p = Process(target=print_process, args=(i,)) process_list.append(p) for p in process_list: p.start()
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue class node: def __init__(self, word): self._word = word self._neighbors = [] self._status = 0 self._discoveredby = 0 def getWord(self): return self._word def getNeighbors(self): return self._neighbors def addNeighbor(self, neighbor_index): self._neighbors.append(neighbor_index) def isUnseen(self): if self._status == 0: return True else: return False def isSeen(self): if self._status == 1: return True else: return False def setUnseen(self): self._status = 0 def setSeen(self): self._status = 1 def discover(self, n): self._discoveredby = n def discovered(self): return self._discoveredby def addWordLink(wordlist, word1, word2): for i in range(len(wordlist)): if wordlist[i].getWord() == word1: n1 = i if wordlist[i].getWord() == word2: n2 = i wordlist[n1].addNeighbor(n2) wordlist[n2].addNeighbor(n1) def addLink(wordlist, index1, index2): wordlist[index1].addNeighbor(index2) wordlist[index2].addNeighbor(index1) class queue: def __init__(self): self._queue = [] def enqueue(self, x): self._queue.append(x) def dequeue(self): return self._queue.pop(0) def isEmpty(self): return len(self._queue) == 0 def retrievePath(nodelist, start, goal): # Return the path from start to goal if start == goal: path = [] path.append(start) return path else: previous = nodelist[goal].discovered() previous_path = retrievePath(nodelist, start, previous) previous_path.append(goal) return previous_path def BFS(nodelist, start, goal): to_visit = queue() nodelist[start].setSeen() to_visit.enqueue(start) found = False while (not found) and (not to_visit.isEmpty()): current = to_visit.dequeue() neighbors = nodelist[current].getNeighbors() for neighbor in neighbors: if nodelist[neighbor].isUnseen(): nodelist[neighbor].setSeen() nodelist[neighbor].discover(current) if neighbor == goal: found = True else: to_visit.enqueue(neighbor) if found: return retrievePath(nodelist, start, goal) else: return [] def compareWords(word1, word2): if len(word1) != len(word2): return False numdifferent = 0 for i in range(len(word1)): if word1[i] != word2[i]: numdifferent += 1 if numdifferent == 1: return True else: return False def findlinks(words, q, starti, endi): for i in range(starti, endi): for j in range(i+1,len(words)): #compare word i and word j if compareWords(words[i].getWord(), words[j].getWord()): q.put((i,j)) #addLink(words, i, j) if __name__ == '__main__': #Read in the words from a dictionary words = [] dict = open("dictionary4letter.txt", 'r') for line in dict: word = node(line.strip()) words.append(word) q = Queue() process_list = [] for i in range(0,len(words)-100,100): p = Process(target=findlinks, args=(words,q, i, i+100)) process_list.append(p) p = Process(target=findlinks, args=(words, q, i+100, len(words))) process_list.append(p) for p in process_list: p.start() while not q.empty(): i, j = q.get() addLink(words, i, j) for p in process_list: p.join() while not q.empty(): i, j = q.get() addLink(words, i, j) #Get starting and ending word word1 = input("What is the starting word? ") word2 = input("What is the ending word? ") index1 = -1 index2 = -1 for i in range(len(words)): if words[i].getWord() == word1: index1 = i if words[i].getWord() == word2: index2 = i if index1 == -1: print(word1,"was not in the dictionary. Exiting.") exit(0) if index2 == -1: print(word2,"was not in the dictionary. Exiting") exit(0) #Find a chain of words path = BFS(words, index1, index2) #Report the chain if path == []: print("There was no chain between those words, in my dictionary.") else: for index in path: print(words[index].getWord())
import subprocess subprocess.Popen("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe ..\\TCGraph\\dictionary.txt") subprocess.Popen("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\Excel.exe C:\\Users\\John\\Documents\\Grades.xlsx")